
Chapter 91. The Appearance of The Formidables, White Moonlight (1)

Chapter 91. The Appearance of The Formidables, White Moonlight?(1)

Translator: Synopsis

– A song for a band? I don’t think I can do that yet.

“I’ll send you some examples. Try listening to it and coming up with one.”

Late at night, KangYoon was calling with HeeYoon. He sent Lee HyunAh and the band home and remained at the company. He had quite a lot of work to do still.

– Okay. It’s the band that we went to watch with SoYoung last time, right?”

“Yeah. The leader there can compose as well, so you don’t need to be pressured.”

– I am going to be pressured. It’s your company, I can’t do it jokingly.


KangYoon leaked a laugh. He could feel worry along with a slightly complaining tone. He felt warm feeling his sister’s attitude.

– It will take some time. I never composed for a band before, so I want to ask the professors for help.

“Don’t push yourself, okay?”

– Yeah, you too, oppa. Don’t overwork yourself. Drink in moderation, and women too…

“Okay, okay. And what the heck was that last one.”

KangYoon finished up his call with HeeYoon and sent a few of Lee HyunAh’s band songs to her e-mail. Then, he did transact the documents that Jung HyeJin sent up before going home.

On the way home, KangYoon took a bus. Looking out the window at the calm waters of the Han river, he fell into thought.

‘The Formidables, no, White Moonlight should enter major soon….’

KangYoon opened the window slightly. The cold wind cooled his head.

‘Strictly speaking, White Moonlight is 2nd generation indie band. They’re well positioned as well. Can they enter major now? Or….’

KangYoon thought about this very deeply. There were a lot of cases where well-established indie bands came to major. However, successful cases were very rare. Of course, most of them managed to profit and earned money as well as giving their contracted company the right money, but only an extreme minority gave big impressions to the general public. In this era where idols were the trend, indie bands were considered ‘gourmet food’ like existences.

KangYoon would hate for his own singers to become a part of a niche market. He had to look for the right causes of that happening in order to not repeat the same process.

‘The style of the singer is important, but the priority is to match the preferences of the general public. Also, they must have moderately good appearances. Or have unique characteristics. I need to make the people turn around to them at least once. But are they ready?’

Thinking about a lot of things, KangYoon shook his head. It was not easy to decide that in one go.

The bus had already arrived at his destination. KangYoon had fallen into thought and almost missed his destination. Though, he could get off as the bus didn’t leave just yet.

Even while walking, his thoughts about the band continued. However, he couldn’t easily think of a strategy.

The next day, even coming to work, KangYoon couldn’t stop thinking about White Moonlight. He was practically deciding on a path for them, so it was natural.

“Are you worried about something?”

Lee HyunJi brewed a cup of coffee for KangYoon.

“Oh, director.”

“You look serious. Is there something problematic?”

KangYoon spoke about the strategy for White Moonlight. While listening to KangYoon, Lee HyunJi sipped on her coffee as well. Slowly drinking the bitter coffee, she slowly spoke.

“To go to a major, popularity should come first. But their fan base isn’t big enough yet.”

“Yes. Even if they make an album, the income will be at a dangerous level. Their foundation is a little weak too…. But I think they’re capable of challenging major. Though, the risks would be big….”

KangYoon sighed. To delay going to major for a foundation, then the immediate income would be small, but to boldly challenge major can expect big profits, but the consequences of failure were big as well. The former was safer, but the temptation of the latter was big.

Lee HyunJi thought for a moment before speaking.

“If it’s you, president. I don’t think we’ll fail even if we go major.”

“Director, wait….”


Before KangYoon could say anything, she gestured him to stop. He listened in.

“You’ll receive a lot of requests for arrangements or compositions. Once that happens, even you will have a hard time focusing on the band alone. And once that happens, my opinion is that they would go downhill.”


“Right now, we have a quite a lot of money from your songs. There will be a lot of songs in the future as well. My opinion is that we should look at the long-term for the band.”

KangYoon thought for a moment before agreeing.

“I understand. Looks like I was in a hurry.”

“I can understand you. Most of the income of the company is on you, after all. The rest……. Pfft, are well, kids. You’re like the breadwinner.”

“Oh my.”

KangYoon shook his head at Lee HyunJi’s joke.

But now that he decided on s strategy, he felt very calm. KangYoon organized the strategy and headed to where White Moonlight was practicing.


“Jay! You’re too vigorous nowadays, take it slow!”

On their way home after meeting a producer from the TV station, Kim SeMi tapped on Jay Han’s shoulders. She was also in the top 8.

“What do you mean slow, the last time was just luck.”

“What luck. You were just acting all along, weren’t you?”

The two quarreled as they headed to the lobby. In the lobby were not only employers but normal people as well. They twitched after seeing Jay Han and Kim SeMi before talking about it amongst themselves.

Upon Kim SeMi’s pestering, Jay Han bought coffee from the café in the lobby. The two female staff there twitched for a moment after seeing the two, but they still proficiently received the orders.

“10,500 won.” (10.50USD)


“Thank you. And may….”

Jay Han was about to turn around after paying when the staff grabbed him. The female staff hesitated for a moment before giving him a pen and paper.

“I didn’t make a sign for being a star yet…. Are you fine with a normal one?”

“Yes, yes.”

Jay Han gave an ordinary sign. The staff blushed and thanked him, and he went to his seat.

“Wow, Jay! Aren’t you the popular man. Looks like the last song was big huh?”

“The song was definitely good.”

“Please introduce me to that composer too. Was it Muse? Just who is it?”

“It’s a secret~.”

“No, don’t say that. Please, pretty please?”

Jay Han had a hard time declining Kim SeMi’s pestering.


KangYoon received a score and a music file through his e-mail. When he played back the file while reading the score, it was a slow-beat ballad. The melody was simple rather than fancy. However, it steadily climbed up.

‘There are no lyrics. So, she left the lyrics and the arrangement to this side, eh?’

KangYoon saw through HeeYoon’s intentions. Then, he was about to do the songs when something caught his eyes. It was the list of songs that he was requested to rearrange.

‘I don’t think I can take this too.’

KangYoon put HeeYoon’s song to one side. It would be very difficult to do that on top of the requests from other companies. KangYoon thought about it for a moment before deciding that he should leave the arrangement to HyunAh.

He headed to White Moonlight’s practice studio to give the song and the score. He could hear very little of what they were practicing from the outside. It was the effect of soundproofing. Without it, the instruments would have rung out throughout the entire building.

“Huh? President.”

Kim JinDae discovered KangYoon first and stopped playing. When the drums stopped, the other instruments all lost their fun and the song was forcibly halted. The others all greeted KangYoon and sat in front of him. Lee HyunAh came to him first.


“What’s this?”

“Your new song.”

KangYoon didn’t explain for long. Lee HyunAh received the song and started playing the synthesizer. As she once majored composition, her keyboard skills were quite good.

“The song’s good. The melody is desperate. I think it’s about ‘loss’.”

Jung ChanGyu commented his own opinion. Kim JinDae also agreed with that opinion and nodded his head.

“President, did you make this?”

KangYoon shook his head at Lee ChaHee’s question.

“No, it’s made by the exclusive composer for this place.”

“What? There’s an exclusive composer?”

Lee ChaHee’s eyes widened. A small company like this having an exclusive composer was something she heard for the first time. Moreover, the song was very good as well. She wanted to do a song like this.

“The song is really good. It’s definitely our style. Though, it’s a pity that there are no lyrics.”

Lee HyunAh seemed to like this song and didn’t stop complimenting it.

“You should do the lyrics yourself. The composer didn’t make it saying that it should be better for the singer to do it.”

“Oh, really? What about the arrangement…?”

KangYoon pointed towards the members when asked about the arrangement.

“You have the band here, so I think it will be better for you four to do it together. HyunAh has done it until now, and I think it will be better to do it your style. How about it?”

“Oppa, that’s….”

Before Lee HyunAh could say something in disappointment about the lack of KangYoon’s arrangements, Jung ChanGyu interfered.

“That sounds interesting, let’s do it.”

“Wouldn’t the four of us make something better?”

Lee ChaHee chimed in as well. Even the quiet Kim JinDae nodded his head in agreement. Lee HyunAh, who usually didn’t like her own pieces being tampered with, also ended up agreeing.

KangYoon added a comment just in case.

“You can think of it as arranging it while practicing it as well. I think that’s why there are no separate scores for each of you. Think of it as training teamwork.”


“Let’s do the recording a week later. I’ll also come and edit what I find necessary. From now, I’ll tell you the schedule through the manager, is that okay with you, manager DaeHyun?”

Manager Kim DaeHyun immediately replied to KangYoon’s words even while reading a book related to acoustics. KangYoon was satisfied by his attitude towards work and left the studio.

“Let’s learn the song first. Gather around.”

When KangYoon left, Lee HyunAh sat on the synthesizer again. She set the synthesizer to piano and started learning the song with everyone else. As they had to add the lyrics as well, there were a lot of things to do.


There were quite a lot of requests for arrangements, but there was some work regarding White Moonlight as well. KangYoon headed to the holy lands of indie bands, Hongdae (Hongik university district), with Lee HyunJi while they were creating the song.

“There are a lot of college students for sure. Good times.”

Said Lee HyunJi while walking through the streets of Hongdae. Looking at the students filled with vitality, she seemed quite envious. KangYoon only laughed it over.

The two headed to various concert venues in Hongdae. However, there was a problem.

“Okay, we understand. We’ll discuss it and come back later.”

After listening to the prices, Lee HyunJi shook her head and left through the door. KangYoon was also flabbergasted by the insane rental fees. The two headed to another place and grumbled.

“Why is an indie stage so expensive? We might as well rent a real one.”

Lee HyunJi complained in anger. KangYoon didn’t feel that much different from her. As indies gained popularity, the land prices in Hongdae also rose and the rental fees had risen as well. Although they researched this beforehand, they still found it absurd.

“I was planning to get a regular contract for at least 3 or 4 places, but with prices like these… we can only lower the number.”

KangYoon also found this serious. He was planning to show a lot of performances by signing contracts with various places, but with these prices, there would be a detriment in the plan. But just in case, he visited all the concert venues in Hongdae.


“Looks like they teamed up.”

Lee HyunJi couldn’t hide her disappointment. All the concert venues seemed to have schemed together as the rental fees were insanely high. She grabbed her head.

“What do we do now? Just sign a contract with one place?”

KangYoon also couldn’t say anything easily. Doing concerts was a necessity. However, there would be immense losses with rental fees like these. Right now, they needed both income and fans. It would be a stretch to sign a contract like this.

Then, something flashed in his head.

“Was Yeonnam-dong right next to this place?”

“Yes, what about it?”

“As far as I know, there are clubs starting to appear there too.”

“They’re starting to appear. But the big concerts still happen in Hongdae. Would the people really be willing to walk that far?”

Lee HyunJi asked in worry.

Next to Hongdae was Yeonnam-dong. As the prices of residence increased around Hongdae, the clubs that held indie concerts were being pushed out. The reason for the increase in rental fees was in the end, due to land prices. However, Yeonnam-dong was a different story. Although there was the pressure of the poorer environment….

KangYoon thought about it for a moment before coming to a decision. Then he spoke with assurance.

“Let’s just do 1 contract.”

“Just one? Wouldn’t that be insufficient for PR?”

“Let’s do a short-term one. Instead, we’ll use the remaining funds and the income to….”

KangYoon pointed towards a rather old building. It was an old building in Yeonnam-dong. However, cafés were starting to appear in places, and people seemed to be increasing as well.

“Rather than paying expensive rental fees, let’s just make one. A concert venue.”


Lee HyunJi’s jaws gaped at KangYoon’s insane plan.

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