
Chapter 103: King

Chapter 103: King

“No no no no!” Bloodspear nervously muttered to himself as he felt the arrival of many Fourth Stage Undead. He and Mina braced themselves for a fight, while the doggy Fang Lin started to walk towards the Fourth Stage Beasts.

“Yip!” Fang Lin let out a bark, hoping to intimidate the incoming Undead. To his surprise, all of them hesitated to come!

“Hahaha! Do you see that! They are all scared of me!” Fang Lin was pleased as he arrogantly looked at the Undead who were now all kneeling in front of him.

Fang Lin then realized that it was because of that wolf’s aura that made all these Fourth Stage Undead kneel in submission. Even though he was just at the pup form, he still possessed the aura of the wolf. This aura was enough to scare all these Undead.

“Yip yip!” (Give us some good place to rest, you dolts!) Fang Lin imperiously commanded them to bring him along with Mina and Bloodspear to a good place to rest. They complied, with the largest of them, a turtle, swaddling towards the trio. It lowered itself and showed its shell to Fang Lin.

“Yip!” Fang Lin leapt and landed on top of the shell. Bloodspear and Mina did the same thing as Fang Lin. Once they have all ridden the turtle, it moved, with the other Undead working as entourage.

“Yip yip yip!” While feeling pleased with himself, Fang Lin started to formulate a plan to deal with the bratty boy and that old man. Fang Lin also considered that they will ally with the Undead Wolf.

“This is my turf now! Let’s see what you three can do!”


During the time Fang Lin had cut his link with Fang Yu, Fang Yu was starting her discussion with the man. She shivered as she felt the decisive separation made by Fang Lin. She quietly sighed as she realized it will be only half of her that can complete the missions.

The adorable Tang Li started to reclaim her spot atop Fang Yu’s head. She sat there while smelling Fang Yu’s hair.

“Sis shmells good.....”

Fang Yu could not help but frown a little upon seeing this. This baby was really clingy on her! What will happen when she gets older? Judging from her behavior now, Tang Li will definitely try to get closer to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu panicked, realizing that by the time Tang Li was 18, Fang Yu was around 34 already. That’s not a good age gap in her opinion. Even though practitioners can live for longer, Fang Yu still could not stomach two people with large age gap to be involved with each other.

She just wished that Tang Li will get over Fang Yu in the future. Besides, her closeness to Fang Yu right now was due to Fang Yu’s bloodline attracting Tang Li’s bloodline. This closeness might fade away as her age increased.

The depressed man let out a sad smile upon seeing the closeness of Fang Yu and Tang Li. He seemed to imagine seeing his wife and their child to be as close like them. But then, he remembered the situation of his wife.

He gritted his teeth as he suppressed the raw emotions inside him. He looked at Fang Yu as he started to speak.

“Greetings Miss Fang Yu, I am the King of the Solstice Kingdom, King William.” King William stood up as slightly curtsied to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu curtsied in reply. The adorable Tang Li tried her best, but she could only flop around helplessly on Fang Yu’s head.

“As you can see, this Kingdom had been..... plagued, by a certain problem.” King William looked out the window as he continued speaking. His melancholic voice matched with the desolate aura that Fang Yu could feel from him.

“You already know what happened to my wife. So, what are you going to do?” King William stared deeply in Fang Yu’s eyes. Fang Yu could feel King William trying to probe her mind, wanting to see if she will lie or not.

“I want to save her!” Fang Yu declared firmly. She stared back at King William, trying to make her intentions well-known. Tang Li pouted as she said,

“Sis will not lie! Sis Dwagon will be shaved!”

Fang Yu and King Wiliiam’s staredown lasted for a minute. When Fang Yu felt as if she could not fight back at the pressure emanating from King WIliam, King William drew his eyes back.

Fang Yu slumped on the sofa as she sighed in relief. King William let out a satisfied smile as he had seen Fang Yu’s generosity.

“So what are you going to do?”

“Actually, I cannot tell you about it right now. But let me see your wife alone, with nobody else with me. If you allow that, I may find a way to help her.”

King William seemed to have no qualms about Fang Yu’s intentions. He nodded as he said,

“You can meet her tomorrow. As of now, do enjoy the banquet.”

“Thank you for your understanding!” Fang YU clasped her hands and bowed towards King William. King William just nodded back.

Fang Yu then went out the office, with the now-undetectable Tang Li on her head.

“Sis, I’m hungwy. Bweastmilk!”

“Sigh, I will give it to you later. Let me eat first okay?”

“Yesh! Sis ish the besht!”

When the door of his office closed, King William let out a deep breath he had been holding.

“That successor of Xiao Ya.... I did not expect her to be that resolute.” King William could clearly see that Fang Yu was the type of person who will not change her mind. This is a good quality for practitioners, but practitioners must be also stable when the need arises.

At these stages, Fang Yu can still afford to be that resolute. But there will come a point in her life that she had to compromise. Will she stay true to her heart, of will she crumble under her own stubbornness?

While King William was thinking about this, the door opened and the next disciple strode in. The newcomer seemed to be a plain-looking person. Everything about him indicated nothing special from him.

But King William felt a faint sense of danger coming from this disciple.

This disciple was Ling Tian, the one considered to be the strongest among the Immortal God Sect disciples visiting the Solstice Kingdom. When Ling Tian saw King William’s wary look, he just smiled. He sat on the sofa as he slowly said,

“King William, do you really believe on what Fang Yu said? I implore you to change your mind!” His voice seemed to be relaxed as he was trying to badmouth Fang Yu.

“Whatever I do may not be under any of your influence, I think.” The King replied coldly.

“Of course, I know that, but will you be able to trust her once I tell you something nobody else knows?”

“You are lying. I of course investigated everyone who meets with me. Fang Yu is clean. As for you,” The King gave a grave look at Ling Tian. “You have been quiet all this time, but I am sure most of the unusual events that happened near you for the past two years have been under your orchestration!

King William slammed his table as he growled at Ling Tian. “Go on, spill what you want to say. We will see if your cunning mind can move even me.”

Ling Tian smiled, as if he had already won. He took a deep breath as he said,


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