
Chapter 83: Dao Pillars

Chapter 83: Dao Pillars

Upon seeing what happened to his teammates, Leader Gu was slightly shocked. He then tensed as he stared at Fang Lin warily.

“So.... you are one of those.... Absolute........Geniuses huh.”

Absolute Geniuses were the terms given for those who can fight from a lower stage against a higher stage. These kinds of geniuses are very rare. The latest absolute geniuses that the Immortal God Sect had were the two Sect Heads.

Seeing Fang Lin doing such astonishing thing brought out the fighting intent deep within Leader Gu.

“You may think that only the Dao Grades are important in the Foundation Establishment? You are wrong about that!”

Of course Fang Lin knew what Leader Gu was talking about. Aside from the Dao Grade and number of Dao Pillars, the quality of the Dao Pillar was also important.

Dao Pillars were created from the mixture of the cultivator’s qi and the essence of the dao he/she comprehended. This mixture of the qi and the dao essence shall be the material used by the cultivator to build the dao pillars.

The percentage of the dao essence present in the qi-dao essence mixture shall be its purity. 0% purity means that there are no dao essence present in the mixture. Mixtures with this purity cannot be used to establish a dao pillar since they have no traces of the dao essence. 100% purity means that the mixture contains no qi at all, only dao essence.

A material only compsed of the dao essence is the best material in the formation of a dao pillar. Since the dao pillar is the embodiment of the dao of the cultivator, the purity of the dao essence determines the stability of the dao pillar. The higher the purity, the more stable the dao pillar is.

The amount of the dao essence present in the dao pillar shall determine the stability of the dao pillar. If the dao essence present in a dao pillar was around 0-24%, the dao pillar will only have the dao essence concentrated mostly on its surface. This makes the inside of the dao pillar mostly filled with only qi. This will lead the dao pillar to collapse inwards.

This kind of pillar will lead to the practitioner being stuck on the Foundation Establishment Stage. Even they managed to make more pillars, these pillars will still collapse inwards. These kinds of pillars had no way to support the formation of the Dao Core at the Core Formation Stage.

This kind of dao pillar was called the Collapsed Pillar.

Every practitioner who breaks through to the Foundation Establishment Stage must avoid having Collapsed Pillars. They must at least have 25% of dao purity to have a chance of breaking through he Core Formation Stage.

For the 25-49% dao purity, the dao pillar will start to have more dao essence inside the dao pillar. This prevents the dao pillar from collapsing inwards, but internal stresses still remain inside the dao pillar. These stresses then fractures the whole insides of the dao pillar, leading to internal fractures.

This kind of dao pillar was called the Fractured Pillar.

As for 50-74% purity, the higher amount of the dao essence present inside the dao pillar prevents the internal fractures from existing. But imbalance of the dao essence and qi will lead to cracks appearing on the surface of the dao pillar.

Such pillar was called the Cracked Pillar.

The amount of cracks depends on the purity of the dao essence. From 50% there will be 10 cracks. Each successive increase by 2.5% will lead to the disappearance of one crack. This means that at 72.5%, there will be only 1 crack.

To lose this crack, the cultivator will then have to be at 75-99% purity. At this stage, there will be no fractures and cracks in the dao pillar, making it stable.

This kind of dao pillar was called the Absolute Dao Pillars. At this point, the power of the cultivator depends on their dao purity. The higher the dao purity, the stronger power they could unleash. Those with dao purity at the 99% are those that can wield almost all of their power.

As for the dao pillars with 100% purity, they are called the Perfect Dao Pillars. At this stage, the cultivator can summon all the power that he can. Reaching this state is difficult, since this was an act of defiance against the natural law.

“Everything degrades from a more stable form to a less stable state.”

Having a perfect dao pillar contradicts such law. This will make the universe attempt to destroy such dao pillars once it was formed. But if the practitioner manages to survive this eradication, his/her dao pillar will stay perfect forever.

You cannot compare someone with a 99% dao purity against someone with a perfect dao pillar. Even if the difference was just 1%., this differences was comparable to the difference of Heaven and Earth!

From what Fang Lin knew, it was possible to upgrade the purity of the dao pillars. It will be just really difficult. He then shook his mind, forgetting about this matter. As of now, he had more important stuff to worry about.

Like on how Leader Gu was now covered with a dark miasma.

“It seems like......you already knew... what I am talking........ about then.” Leader Gu let out his aura as the audience felt his dao stability.

“45% dao purity! He has a Fractured Dao Pillar! Just a little more, and he can make it cracked!”

Leader Gu smiled upon seeing the surprise of he audience. He himself knew the difficulty of raising the dao purity. Aside from the latent talent to integrate his dao essence, he also had to purchase pills to hasten his integration.

The dark miasma then contracted in front of him as he let out a shout. The dark miasma then shot forward, striking towards Fang Lin.

This attack of Leader Gu brought upon it a slight sense of danger. Fang Lin knew that if this miasma manages to touch his body, his cells will experience cell death.

This was the danger of Leader Gu’s King Grade Dao! Too bad Leader Gu has only one dao pillar, so Fang Lin can still hide most of his trump cards.

Fang Lin’s body then let out sizzling sounds as his skin glowed red. Steam rose out of his body as his temperature rose.

The audience who saw this realized what was happening.

“Oh my, he had a Yang Body!”

“That’s really a Yang Body. Wait.... It seems like he had the Yang Body with the lowest quality.”

“Yeah, I can see that too. If it’s the highest grade of the Yang Body, his body should have spouted flames already. Sigh, too bad he did not have a better grade of the Yang Body.”

“Too bad? We should be even happy that he did not have a better grade of Yang Body! If he had a better grade of Yang Body, he might be Big Sis Fang Yu’s dual cultivation partner! She had a Yin Body after all!”

“That’s right! Ha, good thing that will not happen.” All male audience in the battle arena sighed in relief.

As for Fang Lin, he smiled as he noticed that everyone had been fooled. The truth is, he was the Yang Aspect of the Yin-Yang Beast. This means that he possesses the highest grade of the Yang Body. But he realized that showing off this kind of body will lead him to more danger. So he controlled his bloodline to make it show only the power of the lowest grade of Yang Body.

Even though the power his Yang Body can only show now was at its weakest stage, Fang Lin was still confident that he can beat Leader Gu senseless.

As if to prove his confident assumption, Leader Gu began to pale as he retreated backwards. He already had dispersed his dark miasma upon seeing the heat emanating from Fang Lin.

Everyone knew that death-related daos were of the extreme yin side. Those with the Yang Body can easily obliterate such daos. The crowd sighed, feeling pity for the unlucky Leader Gu who managed to fight his own nemesis.

“Fellow Daoist........ we....... can talk about this......right?” Leader Gu had no choice now but to concede. “I...... surrender........”

Fang Lin scratched his head upon hearing such a tough guy surrender just because his affinity was weaker. But he just sucked it up. A win is a win anyway.

“Now that you surrendered....” Fang Lin drawled. “What do I get in return?”

“What do you mean?” Even though he just surrendered, Leader Gu was able to keep his composure. “What do you get in return? Isn’t the honor of being an absolute genius enough for you?”

“Absolute genius? Can that even feed me?”


“What do you mean huh? I still haven’t accepted your surrender! That means this match is not yet done! If you don’t want to be burned alive, cough up!” Fang Lin raised his hands as he beckoned Leader Gu to come closer. “If you don’t, I might accidentally chuck some flames....”

Fang Lin then let out multiple fire snakes slither all over his body. All of these snakes snarled at Leader Gu menacingly. At that moment, Leader Gu could only shout along with the audience,

“How shameless!”

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