
Chapter 61: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (1)

Chapter 61: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (1)

The Emperor’s Audience Chamber.

After the departure of the First Princess, the space was filled with an even greater silence. The chalice in the air simply tilted without a word, and the apple wine that had spilled outside soon disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, part of the space was drawn back like a curtain.

A figure wearing a mask that expressed nothing of their facial features, Ilaref, an aide to the Emperor, knelt down on one side very slowly and saluted.

“Your Imperial Majesty.”

“Speak,” the emperor commanded.

“I struggle to comprehend your decision to let the First Princess leave unchallenged. While she may have been raised with a certain… inclination, surely there are limits to acceptable behavior?”


“Yes. Though she was indeed nurtured in an atmosphere of freedom and ambition, it seems she has overstepped boundaries. Perhaps some correction is necessary before—”

“Hm.” The emperor scoffed. “Ilaref, are you still half-asleep? Or have you grown dull?”


Even though the face was hidden by the mask, Ilaref’s bewilderment was palpable. An apple materialized, hurled through the air.


“My loyal Ilaref,” the emperor began.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Am I a weak emperor?”

“Certainly not, Your Majesty.”

“Or am I perhaps… an incompetent one?”

“You are the most capable ruler in all the land. No matter where you look on the continent, the Emperor will be the most fine leader.”

“Mm, I concur.” The emperor paused.

“Then why do you…”

“Stand aside,” As the Emperor so ordered, the entire floor of the audience chamber began to shake, and Ilaref hastily retreated.

“Now, observe carefully.”

What emerged from the floor was a massive, slate-like boulder. Its smooth surface cracked and shifted, forming intricate patterns in real-time.

……..Ilaref realized. It was taking the shape of a map.

“First, behold the layout of our continent.”


The surface was gilded to show the power structure of the continent.

“The empire I rule, the snowfields in the north, the deserts in the south, the rainforests in the central region… Let’s start with this much.”

The chalice in the air swirled pensively.

“Well, I suppose we can’t leave out the Demon Realm and the Celestial Realm.”

The Emperor laughed as he looked at the stone map, which showed not only the continent but also other worlds in detail.


“Your Majesty?”


“Yes, sire.”

“It’s really strange that there will be a day when I have to explain this to someone. It’s proof that the world is getting more fun.”


The section representing the demon realm suddenly protruded, drawing attention.

“Surely you’re aware of the ominous stirrings in the demon realm. They may return with such might that even a united continent might struggle to claim victory. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And yet, at a time when even a united front is not enough… the continent remains fractured. In fact, even the empire itself is divided. Even the Magic Towers are divided into six and competing.”


“In this empire, on this continent, are there not festering corners? Elements that hinder perfect unity?”

Ilaref nodded solemnly.

“There must be countless ones. Right now, the most important thing is their immediate interests and survival, and how many people have as great an ambition as Your Majesty, Emperor?”


The emperor drained his chalice.

“We can hardly blame them. They were born to mediocrity; what can be done? Yes, resolving such matters is the true calling of the great.”

“As you say, Your Majesty.”

“Excellent. Then we must address all these rotten elements. Who shall accomplish this task?”

“Surely you don’t mean…” Ilaref tilted her head quizzically. “Are you suggesting Ezekiel could eliminate them all?”

“Eliminate? Tsk, Ilaref. You misunderstand.”

The floating chalice traced a circle in the air with its rim.

“You still don’t understand what I’m saying. One must see the forest, not just the trees.”

“I apologize, Your Majesty. My shortcomings are boundless.”

“Ilaref, resolve this flower’s issue.”

The emperor’s robe fluttered as he tossed a flower beneath the throne. Even at a glance, its condition was poor, with visibly decaying stems.

“I shall obey, Your Majesty.”

Ilaref promptly set about her task. Her method was straightforward — she simply cut away the rotting parts, including petals and stems.

“As expected,” the emperor mused, examining the flower presented to him. “Most equate resolution with elimination. It’s not entirely wrong. How simple and convenient it is to just remove the problematic elements.”

“I apologize, Your Majesty.”

“No need. Even I employ this method at times. But the world is something that turns by many gears meshing together. If you just get rid of it, it will cause problems.”

The suspended flower was suddenly flung away.

“Now, observe what happens when I resolve the issue myself.”


With a rumble, part of the stone map’s surface distorted, and soon after, part of the map disappeared altogether.

“Ah, I see…”

“It’s very easy to get rid of, but you can’t say you’ve fixed it. The continent will just lose that part altogether.”

Another apple appeared, tossed into the air.


“Admittedly, the chaos that unfolds when something vanishes can be entertaining. There’s nothing quite like watching a fire spread.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

“But that’s precisely what the demon realm desires. We mustn’t resort to elimination and excision. We must mend.”

“Is Ezekiel different?”

“He is. Watch this.”

Another decaying flower was tossed beneath the throne, followed by a Ezekiella flower.


The Ezekiella gradually purified the rotting flower.

“Destruction and erasure are surprisingly easy. But purification—who could achieve that?”


The emperor’s voice held a peculiar excitement.

“The savages in the north who only cultivate strength? The proud elves of the Great Forest? No, none of them can!”


The stone map shattered completely.

“But Ezekiel—he can purify. I’ve seen in him a potential unmatched anywhere else.”

Ilaref bowed respectfully. “I’m grateful for your profound insights, Your Majesty. My limited understanding had completely missed your intent.”

She then raised her head slightly. “But may I ask two questions, if I may? There are parts I still don’t understand.”

“You have my permission.”

“…In that case, shouldn’t you have sent the First Princess away even more? If Ezekiel is such a crucial asset, is it wise to allow him a romantic entanglement?”

“It’s amusing, isn’t it?”



Another apple vanished with a crunch.

“Don’t misunderstand. It’s not that I’m just letting it be for the sake of fun. It’s something Ezekiel did to himself. You have to understand that it’s karma he has to bear.”


“This man proposed to all five princesses.”


At first, Ilaref couldn’t comprehend the emperor’s words.

Then, in the next moment—


She was shocked. No, beyond shocked—she was astounded.

“The princesses will discover this truth eventually.”


Ilaref immediately understood the concept of karma that the Emperor was talking about. How swiftly happiness could transform into calamity with just a sliver of truth revealed.

“Ilaref, observe these flowerpots.”

The emperor tossed two pots containing Ezekiella flowers; they tumbled down the steep steps beneath the throne, shattering on the floor with a resounding crack.

Though the two Ezekiella flowers shared the same appearance, the difference was stark.

The frail Ezekiella writhed like an insect before perishing, while the more robust one began to gather soil around itself. It amassed not only its own earth but also that which the weaker Ezekiella had lost. Consequently, it grew several times stronger.

“Who knows? This might be an opportunity for greater improvement.”


Ilaref could only break out in a cold sweat.

An opportunity for improvement. If he doesn’t end up in the crossfire of the princesses’ conflict, he has a great chance to become even more magnificent….

In fact, it means he has to tame all the princesses.

…Was such a feat even possible?

She quickly dismissed the thought. It was a matter of wait and watch.

“Your Imperial Majesty, I have one final question.”

“Go on.”

“Isn’t providing three drops of the Sun Elixir somewhat excessive? It seems to deviate from the conventional nurturing method…”

“Ah, that’s a separate matter entirely,” the Emperor interjected; his long robe unfurled, revealing a painting.

“This is a reward for presenting me with a satisfying artwork.”

The Emperor’s form, indiscernible to the naked eye, had been rendered by Ezekiel’s own interpretation.

A handsome visage combining the eyes of the first, the mouth of the second, the nose of the third, the hands of the fourth, and the ears of the fifth.

Of course, this wasn’t the Emperor’s true appearance. What impressed him wasn’t Ezekiel’s deductive skills.

Blood. Crimson blood.

Throughout the contest, Ezekiel had painted the Emperor with blood.

“…It signifies an Emperor forged from one’s own blood.”


“The meaning is clear. It harbors the intention to challenge me someday.”

Ilaref broke into a cold sweat once more. Whenever the Emperor heard of someone intending to challenge him, he had always shown annoyance, never a welcoming attitude.

However, now…

The Emperor appeared more pleased than ever before.


The Emperor’s laughter rang out loudly.

Even for Ilaref, his loyal servant, this was an unprecedented sight.

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