
Chapter 513: Overture

Mrs. Cesar was sitting behind the scenes in the studio as a guest.

It was not her first time here as a veteran of the Faroese art world, but it was her first time performing as an actress.

The content of the program was not a stage performance or an opera performance, but a new type of television program called “Interview”that had been established at the suggestion of Jose.

However, Mrs. Caesar preferred to call it a ‘conversation performance’.

“Mrs. Caesar, the program has begun,”the person in charge behind the scenes whispered to Mrs. Caesar.

Mrs. Caesar tidied up her makeup and clothes in front of the mirror. After making sure that everything was in the best condition, she quietly looked at the host who was standing on the stage.

It was hard to imagine that although the host looked like a middle-aged man, his real identity was… a giant dragon.

The Guardian of the World Tree of the Black Wood Elves… a brass dragon.

“Let’s welcome the founder of the Black Swan Theater, Mrs. Caesar, to the stage!”

Under the signal of the brass dragon, Mrs. Caesar walked onto the stage. There were not many people sitting below, only about a hundred people.

But Mrs. Caesar knew that there might be thousands of people behind the camera.

“This is the second time I’ve invited a member of the Black Swan Troupe. The first conversation with the little black swan left a deep impression on me. It should be said that it’s a very deep impression…”

At this moment, the bronze dragon did not have the dignity of a giant dragon at all. However, his talkative nature was surprisingly welcomed by the Faroese audience.

After discussing some topics about Gloria with Mrs. Caesar, he finally changed the topic of the interview to the main topic.

“Mrs. Caesar introduced the film into this country as a brand-new form of performance, injecting a brand-new vitality into Faroese’s performance career, but many Faroese artists accuse you of ruining Faroese’s art with outsiders’things. What do you think about this, Mrs. Caesar?”

Although the bronze dragon did not have much interest in interfering in the disputes between humans, he was very interested in watching the disputes between humans. Therefore, he mercilessly placed some of the sharp questions in Faroese in front of Mrs. Caesar.

“Whether to destroy or evolve, the decision is not made by me, nor by those critics, but by the audience.”Mrs. Caesar also gave a very pertinent answer.

“I see. It seems that those accusers should have foreseen that after the popularity of the movie, they won’t be able to earn enough money to feed themselves.”The Brass Dragon did not care at all about how much hatred his words would attract, he continued to ask Mrs. Caesar the next question.

“A while ago, Mrs. Caesar, you personally shot a movie called ‘the spring of Nogana.’It is said that the mysterious director was not involved in this movie.”

When Brass Dragon talked about the ‘mysterious director,’he raised his index and middle fingers and waved them, indicating that a small quotation mark had been added to this short paragraph.

“The script for spring of Nagana comes from Faroese’s classic play. I once thought of making a movie out of master Morgan’s work, but I chose to start with a simple script.”

“Since we’re talking about the mysterious director, do you mind if we talk about his work?”The brass dragon suddenly asked a question that went off topic.

“Of course not.”Mrs. Caesar nodded and said.

“I remember that Faroese has a supreme script palace. Every year, a work will be selected and recorded in it. It will be worshipped like a canon. So, Mrs. Caesar, do you think it’s possible that this year’s script was written by that ‘Mysterious Director’?”

The question from the Brass Dragon had indeed stumped Mrs. Caesar, but after thinking for a few seconds, Mrs. Caesar shook her head gently.

“I admit that all the scripts written by that director are enough to make me excited to the point of ‘I must act this out’, whether it is ‘The Devil is not too cold’or ‘avatar’,”Mrs. Caesar sighed slightly and added.

“But the selection mechanism of St. Van der Sar’s palace is very complicated. Many of the judges are masters who are a few generations higher than me. There are only two entries of works by authors from other countries since the founding of Faroese, and that was 30 years ago, not to mention those movie scripts. It’s basically impossible.”

“So the old babies in the selection meeting are prejudiced against foreign and new movies?”Brass dragon mercilessly exposed the true meaning of Mrs. Caesar’s words again. “But I guess that director is not interested in letting his script enter this palace, right?”

At this point, the brass dragon turned his face to where the camera was.

“Am I right? The mysterious director who is sitting in front of the TV, if he doesn’t see it, ask that friend to tell him!”


“I see it…”

Jose sat in the Hearthstone Tavern and watched the TV projected on the wall. Because there was no program on Nolan Channel for the time being, Jose switched the signal to Faroese’s side.

As a result, he saw a talk show host teasing him.

Although Gloria had told Josh in advance, Josh still found it hard to believe that a giant dragon would be a talk show host.

However… with his ability to attract hatred, he reckoned that only a powerful dragon could avoid being assassinated.

At this moment, a message popped up in Joshua’s Mana Net. Joshua opened it and found that it was a temporary message. This message came from the film Association’s Parliament, which was also a group chat member.

The sender’s name was ‘Lia’.

‘Mr. Joshua, I’m sorry to disturb you at this time, but I have a small proposal that I don’t know if you would like to hear.’


Joshua knew the true identity of Miss Lea, and that was the Saintess of the land of the sacred religion.

‘what proposal?’

This SAINTESS was one of the few people that Joshua treated with caution, but it couldn’t be denied that she was the breakthrough point for Joshua to use cultural means to break into the land of the sacred religion.

‘I hope to build a movie theater in the land of the sacred religion, but unfortunately, I don’t have the equipment to show a movie. Can I pay for it from You, Mr. Joshua?’

The opportunity was coming so fast that it made Joshua feel unreal.

Building a cinema in the land of the Saints was the most important part of Joshua’s strategic plan. It was the real ‘going behind enemy lines’.

“I can provide you with the equipment and the money can be waived, but I have a few small conditions. One of them is that all the films shown in Nolan must be shown in the cinemas built in your country.”

Joshua could vaguely guess the purpose of this Saintess building the movie theaters.

“Of course, that’s not a problem…”

“Did you push into the enemy’s nest during my class?”

Hiri suddenly appeared at this time. Her face was close to Joshua’s as she looked at the message on Joshua’s Mana web interface.

“Hiri, you skipped class again?”Joshua turned his head. Because Hiri’s face was too close, Joshua could even see the long eyelashes of the spellcaster.

“It’s already noon. I have three hours of ‘Break Time’, and my mentor, she…”

Healy also turned his head to look at a corner of the Hearthstone Tavern. The purple-clothed man and the gray-clothed man were sitting face to face. What was placed in front of them was not hearthstone legend, but black and white go.

Ever since the gray-clothed man and the purple-clothed man learned go a few days ago, the gray-clothed man would be punctually at the Hearthstone Tavern at noon to play one or two games with the purple-clothed man.

“It’s an activity for the elderly,”hiri whispered in Joshua’s ear, saying that he would be beaten up by the purple-robed man. “But then again, isn’t the establishment of a movie theater in the land of the holy church a declaration of victory for the Demon World?”

“It doesn’t count. The movie or video itself is a more effective means of preaching than the gospels and missionaries. If I give the projection technology of the movie to this Miss SAINTESS, it would be tantamount to giving her a ‘weapon’.”Joshua continued to put forward all kinds of unimportant conditions to test this miss SAINTESS.

“Besides, the people of the land of saints are not as receptive as the people of Nolan. I guess they wouldn’t dare to touch the word ‘demon’just by seeing it, let alone watch a movie of the demon in the cinema.”

“Don’t you still have ‘The eight faithful dogs’?”Hiri said.

“‘the eight faithful dogs’is not enough.”Jose’s eyes turned to the television screen, the brass dragon was wantonly teasing the old-fashioned attitude of the masters of Faroese. “Maybe I should find time to make a truly profound masterpiece?”

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