
Chapter 253 Back To Ballard Cliffs

Chapter 253 Back To Ballard Cliffs

Since the number of players had reduced due to them heading out, Arthur didn\'t have to push through the crowd. He directly went to the Guild Master\'s office and knocked on the door.

~knock~ knock~

"It\'s me, Arzhur." He called out.

"Come in," Caleb\'s voice was heard.

"Looks like you\'ll be having a few calm days." Arthur spoke.

"Maybe… I don\'t wanna jinx it." Caleb replied. "But it\'s good that they are staying outside more now… though I got no idea why they\'re all rushing to hunt. All I kept on hearing from them was 1 gold, 1 gold and 1 gold all over again." He recalled, feeling a faint shiver.

"It was creepy." He added.

"Ahaha, makes sense." Arthur agreed.

"So what are you here today for? I don\'t have any more missions for you. Those Otherworlders took all that they could. For the first time in the history of this guild, I can say that we have no jobs left… not even the small time jobs for newbies." Caleb stated, finding it all strange.

He had no idea that the catalyst that had spurred the players into action was none other than the person standing in front of him.

"Well, I\'m here to inform you that I\'ll be heading to Samson city." Arthur revealed.

"Already?" Caleb raised his brows. "But will you be fine?" he asked with concern.

"Why don\'t you take a look?" Arthur replied.

"Hmmm…" Caleb narrowed his eyes, and Arthur could feel the appraisal skill being used on him.

A second later though, Caleb\'s eyes went wide.

"You\'re… You\'re already at Level 25?" Caleb was stunned. 

"I am, yes." Arthur replied. "I believe that should be enough for me to handle all that comes in my way to Samson city right?" he inquired.

"Yeah… Plus I can somewhat tell you might be stronger than others at the same level…" Caleb had a hunch. "~Sigh~ Since you\'re going there, I do actually have a mission for you." 

"Oh?" Arthur hadn\'t expected to get something. "What is it?" he asked.

"It\'s simple. Just gotta deliver a letter." Caleb replied. "You know the Guard Captain is still there, right?" he asked.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded.

"The letter is intended for him. I was originally going to send a messenger from the guild, but if it\'s you I think it\'ll be faster." Caleb stated with faith.

"True, I think I\'ll be there in just a day\'s time." Arthur agreed. "Maybe even earlier."

"A day?" Caleb raised his brows. "Even if you take a horse it still takes longer to get there." 

"That is if… you take the normal route." Arthur clarified.

"Wait… if you\'re not taking the route through the Ocher Plains, then… how are you intending to get there?" Caleb questioned feeling baffled.

"Do you know of the old route? Though Ballard Cliff?" Arthur replied.

"That broken bridge? How would you even cross?" Caleb was in doubt.

"Don\'t worry, I got my ways." Arthur replied. "I\'ll have the letter delivered safely." 


"Alright, I\'ll trust you." Caleb said walking to his desk.


He opened one of the drawers on the side of the desk and took out a letter.

It had a wax seal on it, and showed Caleb\'s name as well as the symbol of the Adventurer\'s guild on it for authenticity.

>Quest Issued!<


Quest: Deliver Letter To Guard Captain Fredric!

Grade: Uncommon

Difficulty: Normal

Reward: 50 Silver Coins.


"Here," Caleb held out the letter for Arthur. "The seal will also serve as a writ of entry for the city and will allow you quick access. Otherwise, they\'ll probably grill you at the gates for a while." He added.

"I\'ll keep it safe." Arthur said, taking the letter and sliding it under his clothes. "And thank you."

But in reality, Arthur had simply stored it in the cape. Now there was no way the letter would ever get damaged.

"Get all the supplies you need. I don\'t want you to get into any untoward accident." Caleb advised.

"Yeah, I do need to get some things." Arthur nodded his head and turned out. "I\'ll see you sometime in the future." He said before leaving the office.

Once Arthur was gone, Caleb continued to stare at his back for a bit.

"He won\'t be coming back soon at all, will he? He\'s grown strong in a short time… this place won\'t be enough for him." Caleb knew how things went.

When the Adventures grew strong, smaller places like the towns were no longer enough to contain them. Their destinies would take them to strange and dangerous places as they continued to grow.

Some would succumb to bleak fates and meet their end, while others would continue to thrive.

Caleb didn\'t know how it would go for Arthur, but he hoped that he was one of those among the latter.

Arthur didn\'t know what Caleb was thinking and was busy buying a few things at a nearby shop.

>Strong Hemp Rope x 4<

"There we go. It should last me for a while." Arthur reckoned as he stored the rope in his robe as well.

With that done, he quickly left the town and made his way to the Ballard Cliffs.

\'I should also tell Val I won\'t be there for a bit.\' Arthur thought and shot off a message.

The path to the Ballard Cliffs was of no issue to Arthur at his level and he basically steamrolled through all the Milen Grind Back beasts that appeared. A single stab was all it took for Arthur to kill each of the beasts, while a swipe would take out all those that were in his path.

"Man, the power feels nice!" Arthur said as he sped up.

Soon enough, he was standing at the edge of the Ballard Cliffs again.

"Alright Brambles! Time to get to work!" Arthur called out his companion.

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