
Chapter 94 Chaos

Fang Yu\'s expression was not disturbed for a moment. To him, there is no distinction between the soldiers of the Northern Alliance and the soldiers of the Northern Territory.

In the final analysis, the struggle between the two sides is nothing more than those high-ranking consortiums and big families who control the power of the world, biting each other for their own interests.

So, who offended him is going to die. No matter who the opponent is.


At that moment, a call came, Fang Yu took out his cell phone and casually connected it: "Hello?"

"Master." Phi\'s voice came from the phone: " By your side..."

Fang Yu\'s voice was flat: "Well, it\'s settled." 

Phi hurriedly said: "Okay, then I\'ll drive to pick you up right away...that\'s right."

There was a slight pause and then she asked: "Su Yun and her son are still in our hands, what should we do?"

After a moment of silence, Fang Yu said coldly. "For Su Yun and her son...kill them."

Chu Feng has passed away and Su Yun and her son, who were originally crucial characters in the book, have no value now.

Although the possibility is very small, he doesn\'t want to leave any trouble behind. In addition, Fang Yu is not interested in putting on a green hat for Chu Feng, maybe other people would do that, but for...He is not interested much and Chu Feng has now ascended to \'heavan\'. If he put a green hat on him, it is already considered a \'spirit\' hat.

Phi did not hesitate at all: "Yes!"

"That\'s all." Fang Yu hung up the phone and disappeared from there in a blink of an eye.

One after another, the troop carriers were driving rapidly, heading towards the distant Fortress City. Judging from the clothes they wore, they were the soldiers sent by the Northern Alliance.

Suddenly, the marching troops suddenly stopped because they found something strange in front of them. Immediately, someone jumped out of the car and went to check the situation.


As the soldiers stepped forward to check, he immediately gasped. Soon, even the troop commander was alarmed and when he saw that scene, his expression changed drastically, and his heart felt horrified.

The bodies of the Northern Alliance soldiers were neatly arranged on the ground. Everyone was killed by a bullet piercing through their jaws. Isn\'t this the vanguard team sent out before them?

If they encountered soldiers from the Fortress City, even if they all dead in battle, it would not be inconceivable but the main thing is that the way this army died is indeed too strange.

It doesn\'t look like they died in battle...On the contrary, it looks like they were once under some kind of spell and collectively shot themselves.

The officer immediately recalled that video. In that video, a figure like a demon god, even if there are thousands of troops in front of him, he defeated them all solely with his strength. 

He is afraid that only the other party can do this kind of thing. The officer\'s heart trembled suddenly.

Is he wants to tell us something? It\'s like some sort of...warning to their Northern Alliance. Actually, Fang Yu didn\'t bother paying attention to them as he was thinking too much.

The deputy staff officer came forward from the side and asked cautiously: "Sir, the Headquarters sent a reminder to ask why we stopped marching, you see..."

The officer\'s expression changed for a while and he finally said: "Tell everyone to retreat to the base and stop this mission!"

The deputy staff officer was stunned: "Withdraw the troops? But if we go back now, how are we going to explain to the people at Headquarters?"

"Explain?" The officer gave the other party a stern look: "I\'ll take care of it if something goes wrong, but now...listen to me!!" 

"Yes." The deputy staff officer didn\'t dare to talk back and immediately trotted all the way to issue the order to retreat.

This officer\'s face was ugly. Now that he is withdrawing troops, he will be punished if he goes back but if he meets that guy, he will die.

Even the God of War, Chu Feng can die? Why does he think he can survive. Compared to other things, his own life is more important. 


There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The blurry video captured by the high-tech drone of the Northern Alliance was spread through various channels in a short period of time.

Then it was spread to various countries and placed on the tables of big figures. Looking closely at this blurry video, all those people has solemn expressions.

The strength and strange techniques displayed by the man in the video are truly extraordinary and terrifying too.

Walk through a hail of bullets that even a fly can hardly escape. His body is hard to destroy the heavy armored tanks and the physical strength seems to be limitless. Is this really a human?


[Simon Country]

On the highest mountain, there stands the most powerful warrior Martial Arts faction in that country...Guangmingzong!

They all believe in the illusory God of Light and believe that one day, the light of the God of Light will shine on the earth and judge all living beings.

Speaking of which, they are a combination of organization and sects. They not only teach the method of cultivation but also preach the doctrine.

At this moment. In a quiet room of the Guangmingzong main hall.

An elder wearing a luxurious white robe looked at the video in front of him with a somewhat dignified expression: "This person\'s strength..."

If it was him instead. He doesn\'t necessarily dare to say that he can go this far...


In the headquarters of the Dark Parliament.

A deep voice was heard from a certain room: "Go and check. Find out who is this person."

The figure kneeling on the ground immediately said respectfully. "Yes!"


[Suez Country]

The highest executive meeting building, at the top secret meeting room.

A majestic man in a suit and leather shoes, with the air of a ruler on his body frowned. He looked at the other side of the long table, the only one in the room other than himself.

He was a strong man with a height of two meters. He has blond hair, thick hair, bulging muscles and a masculine air rushing towards his face.

At this moment, the blonde man casually placed his thick thighs on the long conference table, regardless of his image.

The man in the suit seemed to known about the other party\'s temper, so he didn\'t pay much attention to it and said directly: "Rhein, what do you think of this video? If you were to face him, would you have a chance of winning?"

Hearing this, Rhine jumped up from the table and stood on the ground as the whole room seemed to shake slightly.

Facing the man\'s gaze, Rhine laughed loudly, his eyes filled with fighting spirit and excitement.

"Of course, you have to experience something like this before you know. What can the video show? After all, I have never had such a chance before...to fight back against the whole army."

"No, it should be that the Grandmaster\'s have never had experience against a large-scale army equipped with heavy weapons, right? Or, they don\'t have the guts! Haha, I\'m a little envious of this guy..."

Rhine licked his lips: "Even just looking at it made me excited!"

The man in the suit frowned: "Rhein, I warn you. Don\'t act recklessly, otherwise I might not be able to keep you."

As he spoke, he looked at the looping video again couldn\'t help but rub his forehead: "It\'s really troublesome. If this video spreaded, I\'m afraid there will be chaos again..."

Rhine curled his lips: "What\'s the trouble? I think it\'s fine, just let some guys who have already started to have some confidence in their petty life, see the strength of our warriors. Otherwise, they will really think that all of us are weak..."

"That\'s exactly what I\'m worried about!" The man\'s expression was a little ugly. How long will it to take them and how much did they have pay to suppress these rebellious and powerful warriors and gain control to this world?

Although the warrior has not officially disappeared as they are hiding in the dark. Even though they still have great power but they will not be able to appear on the stage in the end.

The current ruler of the world belongs to their big consortia and families! They hold wealth, armies and advanced weapons in their hands.

Under such power, the individual power seems to be very small and unable to compete but now...he was severely slapped by the reality and his face sank like water.

Someone...once again bared their fangs to them. The modern army was defeated by just a warrior. Even though it was only a small branch of the Northern Frontier that belonged to Chu Feng\'s elite guards, in fact there are hundreds of thousands of troops in the northern border as well as armored and missile divisions but occasionally some facts will be deliberately ignored.

Warriors will only notice that in the face of modern organized troops, they are not vulnerable or powerless. There only weakness is just they are not strong enough...

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