
Chapter 372 - It's Our Duty... (*Laughing Noises*)

[POV Reo]

"Eh…?? Why am I still alive?" She asked with a confused look on her face and I simply grinned… This is the favour I had asked from Hela back on the planet where I have killed Thanos.

She said that it was something out of her hands but she could talk with Death… I could have easily stopped Flavia from dying with my own powers but that could have created a rift between Death and me… and asking her wouldn\'t hurt me and I could always save Flavia on my own if Death had denied my request.

So, after returning to Elysium, Hela knocked out Loki and went to meet Death… after returning, she picked up a beer and completely forgot about that matter… she only remembered this again when I said that I was going to meet Flavia.


"Oh… I have talked with Death and she said that she won\'t claim her life after she breaks off her connection from the Dark Dimension" Hela said after I mentioned that I was going to meet Flavia.

"Eh…?? When did you even talk with her?" I asked Hela and she simply smirked.

"I went to talk with her after knocking out Loki… she said that she owed you one for freeing me and now both of you are even…" Hela finished with an unsure look on her face…

Some might think that Death swindled my favour but allowing someone to live is a pretty big thing for her… "Fine and thanks by the way…" I said and pecked Hela on her lips… a small smile appeared on her face and after that, Hela left saying that she was going to meet her mother.


"...and that\'s how I stopped you from dying" finally finished telling Flavia why she was still alive… she looked at her own body with tears in her eyes and pulled me into a hug…

"Thank you…" Flavia said softly and separated from me only after a few moments… "I wasn\'t expecting something like this… now I can finish the potato chips I have been saving…" she said and pulled out a bag of potato chips from a small portal.

With that, she successfully destroyed the touching moment… there were other ways to save her but none of them were practical… I could have made her the ruler of the Dark Dimension but her human body would have exploded due to so much power… she was strong but she was still a human.

She also said that she didn\'t want to continue living a borrowed life… it\'s her own life now. All of a sudden Luna appeared inside the room and pecked me on the lips… to be honest, I wasn\'t surprised to see her arrival… She was carrying Adam and Eve in her arms.

"I am so glad that you decided to keep living and now you are completely free from all your burdens…" Luna said with a huge smile on her face and put down Adam and Eve on Flavia\'s table.

"I am also glad because of that Luna… let me prepare tea for us…" Flavia said and with a wave of her hand, a teapot and teacups appeared on the table… "Reo, why don\'t you take a seat while I prepare the tea?" Flavia asked with an expectant look on her face.

I shrugged and sat down… I wasn\'t a tea person but it\'s ok… Flavia\'s tea was pretty nice…

[SHIELD Headquarters, New York]

"So, what do you want us to do?! Give up after what he did to Vision?!!" Wanda2 screamed hysterically after hearing Loki2, Sif2, and Peter2\'s words… After returning from the New York Sanctum the three of them decided to tell the others about their meeting with the Ancient One of this Universe.

"What the three of you did was really stupid!! What if she had called Leviathan?" Thor2 chastised his brother and Loki2 simply rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Don\'t be a fool…!! Leviathan doesn\'t even think of us as threats… if the Infinity Stones are really the aspects of his power then do you really think that he cares about people like us??" Loki2 retorted in an annoyed tone.

"But can we even trust the words of this Ancient One… she could be working with Leviathan… we already know that she is on good terms with Leviathan" Charles2 pointed out and all of the X-Men nodded their heads.

"But what does she gain from lying??" Captain2 asked curiously.

"She is protecting Leviathan… she must have found out that he had messed with the wrong people and now she is protecting him…" Stark2 said in a dismissive tone, he was arrogant like he always has been.

"...I can\'t believe this…!! All of you felt Hela\'s power… she could defeat all of us on her own even if we don\'t consider Leviathan" Sif2 yelled out in a frustrated tone… she can\'t believe these stupid and arrogant people.

"We could prepare some kind of trap for her… strong people are always arrogant and they always fall for traps because of their ego" Nebula2 pointed out and a lot of people inside the room nodded their heads.

"Then there is the Phoenix Force… how are you going to deal with that?" Loki2 asked with a smug look on his face… and everyone became silent after hearing his question.

"You don\'t have to worry about it… My counterpart and I will be able to deal with her" Danvers2 spoke out arrogantly and several people immediately agreed with her. "And Banner can deal with the Hulk… this Universe\'s Hulk won\'t be a problem for him" Danvers2 said and Banner2 agreed with her.

"Tell me, did you three really believe her lies?? Infinity Stones are the aspects of a single being?? Tell her to pull another one…" Quill2 said and burst out laughing followed by Rocket2.

"We need those Stones back… only we can protect the Stones, we can\'t allow someone else to have the Stones. If needed we will even take Stones of this Universe" Strange2 said and everyone inside the room except the three of them nodded their heads.

"Banner2, have you found the Stones of this Universe?" Stark2 asked and Banner2 shook his head.

"No… for whatever reason I can\'t find the Stones… It\'s like they have been erased out of existence…" Banner2 finished and frowns appeared on the faces of a lot of people. 

"My scanner can\'t breach the barrier of Elysium… it is possible that the Stones are in there…" Stark2 mused and Banner2 nodded his head after contemplating for a few seconds. 

"It means that Leviathan already has one set of Infinity Stones… we have to stop him from causing some harm to this Universe…  it is our duty" Charles2 said and most of the group nodded their heads in agreement. 

"He also has to pay for what he has done to my Vision…  he took everything from me and I will make him regret that…" Wanda2 said ominously while releasing a red miasma from her hands. 

"We also have to take Vision\'s body from his hands…  we have no idea what kind of destruction Leviathan could cause with so much Vibranium in his hands" Banner2 pointed out and Stark2 immediately nodded his head. 

"I guess that will be enough for today… we have discussed more than enough" Strange2 said and the meeting was dispersed… everyone left the room except Loki2, Sif2, and Peter2, they couldn\'t believe the things they have just heard… were they really so arrogant?? 

The three of them simply looked at each other and walked out of the room without saying anything else to each other…  all three of them walked by a member of X-Man but none of them paid any attention to her since the woman was interacting with the soda machine… 

The woman carefully watched the three of them and as soon as three of them were gone, she started to walk towards the washroom… all of a sudden the woman tripped and planted her face on the wall… the woman cursed like a sailor and resumed walking like nothing happened… 

The woman finally arrived in the washroom and teleported away after entering a bathroom stall. The woman appeared in the woods and she was standing over a naked woman who looked exactly like her…  the woman was bound and she was trying to crawl away, tears stains could also be seen by her eyes. 

The woman in clothes started to morph and changed into a completely different person… the woman had curly neon green hair… she carefully leaned down beside the naked woman on the ground and took out the gag… "You won\'t believe me but these clothes are comfortable as hell…" the woman with curly neon green hair gushed out excitedly. 

This woman was none other than Nymphad… *several stinging hexes insert*... *ahem* Dora Tonks. "Do you mind if I keep this?" Dora asked excitedly. 

"Bitch!! Are you insane??!! You attacked me, took my clothes and threw me in this forest naked!! Did you know a deer was getting really interested in me??" only a few moments ago the woman was scared for her life but after hearing Dora\'s words she couldn\'t stop herself… 

"...I am speechless… you can attract deers with your sex appeal?? It must be hard for you, I mean driving cars… I just took your clothes… and might have left you here naked but it\'s no big deal… after all, you did try to take a look inside my noggin" Dora said… started to strip out of the clothes. 

"Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix… that\'s a huge fucking name… your clothes are really comfortable but they don\'t fit my natural form and your cape messes up my balance…" Dora said and now she was completely out of her clothes and as soon as she was done… her normal clothes appeared on her body magically. 

"You will pay for what you have done to me bitch!! I will make you pay!!" the naked woman now recognized as Monet screamed but Dora didn\'t pay her attention. 

"Yes…  yes…  of course" Dora said and pointed her finger towards the woman. "Imperio" she put the woman under control and freed the woman…  Dora then ordered the woman to wear her clothes… the woman obediently wore her clothes. As soon as the woman was done, Dora touched the woman\'s shoulder and Apparated into the washroom. 

After that, Dora took off the X-Gene suppressing collar from the woman and Obliviated her… after that, Dora spent a whole minute modifying her memories… "Ah… nicely done… and don\'t try to peek in my noggin again or I will throw you in front of a horny deer…" Dora said in a warning tone and left the glassy-eyed woman in the washroom… 

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