
Chapter 369 - The Endgame Revised...

[POV Rumi]

I finally finished slaying off the 4tg Leviathan when I noticed that the other Leviathans were retreating... yeah, like I would allow something like that!! I landed on the landed and as I was about to jump towards the retreating Leviathans... I was interrupted by a flying axe...

I started to look for the rude person who dared to interrupt me and my eyes finally landed on a monster... It looked somewhat similar to that Abomination I had fought a few years ago... it grunted while walking towards me. Well, I guess... that is the best it could do.

With a sigh, I simply lunged towards the tall monster... the monster noticed my lunge and brought down his axe... I simply grabbed the axe with my hand... the monster looked at me with a confused look on his face but I didn\'t give any time to react and punched towards his chest with my other hand.

My hand went through his chest like I was cutting butter with a hot knife... I looked at the monster weirdly while I pulled my hand out of its chest... with a confused look on its face, the monster died... I looked towards my hand which was now covered in purple blood and a frown appeared on my face... I had thought that his chest would be more durable... that is why I won\'t for his chest.

(A/N: Rumi killed Cull Obsidian... if you can\'t remember him then here is the picture)

I Scourgified my hand... I didn\'t want to have its blood on myself and lunged towards the nearby ship... Even when I was interrupted by that monster, I have followed those flying monsters... the last one has entered that ship... I landed in front of the ship... now, how the hell do I enter this ship???

I didn\'t know where the entrance for human-sized beings was so I simply decided to punch a hole through the ship\'s body... I slammed my fist and it went right through... I adjusted my hand for some leverage and ripped apart a huge hole... hmm... it worked. I thought while tilting my head and entered the ship.

I am going to have a lot of fun... with that thought, I started to kill anything within my sight... obviously, the monsters tried to fight back but it was simply useless... I continued killing those monsters when I finally arrived in the engine room... I might have hit something which I shouldn\'t have... the whole ship exploded and after a few moments I walked out of the fire looking towards the other ships.

I noticed four life signs approaching me... three of them was men while the last of them was a tall blue-skinned woman... one of the man was carrying a hammer... he was somewhat stronger than the others but not by much... I started to walk towards the group and one of them threw some giant rubble in my direction with his hand gesture.

I quickly dodged them and Flash Stepped the man who threw the rubbles at me... he was the most dangerous among the whole group with that power... my fist smashed on the back of his head and it popped like a balloon splattering the rest of the group with his brain matter.

"You will pay for that!!" the woman screamed hysterically and attacked me but before she could reach me the man with the hammer smashed in her head... the woman\'s body dropped to the ground completely lifeless... the last man turned towards the man with the hammer with a betrayed look on his face.

"Trait..." that was all he could say before I landed an uppercut under his chin... his head was completely obliterated into nothingness and his body dropped on the ground like a sack of potatoes... then my eyes zeroed in towards the man with the hammer...

"...I am not your enemy... I am ready to swear my loyalty to you..." the man said while bowing his head... I snorted internally... do I look like an idiot?? He betrayed his allies so that he could please me... what kind of loyalty can I even expect from a man like him? People like him are the worst...

"Hmm... how about no?" I asked and kicked towards him... the man didn\'t even get to react before his whole upper body was obliterated due to my kick. I spat in disgust and walked away towards the other ships...

(A/N: The first person killed in this group was Ebony Maw, then Proxima Midnight tried to attack Rumi but she was killed by Ronan, then Rumi killed Corvus Glaive. Ronan tried to swear his loyalty to Rumi but Rumi killed him at last... if you don\'t remember them then here are the pictures).

[POV Nat]

They didn\'t say anything and neither did I... all three of us knew that we were going to fight but none of us made a move until the blue-skinned woman pulled out some kind of a gun... she fired some red kind of shot and I had to raise up a wall made of up of dirt using my Molecule Manipulation.

The was just the beginning, they started to fire their guns in my direction... the wall slowly crumbled so I used my Molecule Manipulation power and created earth spikes where they were standing... both of them jumped away to dodge the spikes but I sent the remaining wall hurling towards the green-skinned woman.

"Omphff" the woman let out a painful grunt and dropped to the ground when the broken wall hit the woman on the side... I was about to impale the woman with my earth spikes but I had to dive towards the ground when several shots came hurling towards me from the blue-skinned woman...

One of the shots had grazed my arm... it was really painful and I rolled around and stood up and started to hurl earth spikes towards the blue-skinned woman using my Telekinesis. The woman nimbly dodged the attacks and I had to stop when the green-skinned woman started to fire towards me... those guns were really dangerous so I had raise up a wall between us.

I looked towards my injured arm and it was still healing... a huge explosion blew apart the wall but I wasn\'t bothered by it... I used my Mental Manipulation power and stopped them from dodging... and hurled the rubbles of the wall in their direction... the rubbles smashed on their bodies and both of them were hurled backwards.

I started to walk towards them... my arm was completely healed now and I decided to finish the job but I stopped when the green-skinned woman started to beg... I wouldn\'t have stopped normally but she wasn\'t begging for herself... she was begging for the blue-skinned woman... apparently, they were sisters. But, I didn\'t let my guard down... after all, it could be a ploy to get me distracted.

"Please... spare my sister..." the green-skinned woman continued... I used Telepathy to see if her feelings were genuine or not... and her feelings were really genuine.

"What are you doing Gamora?? Father will kill us!!" the blue-skinned woman snarled with quite some venom in her voice.

"No, he won\'t... this is your chance Nebula, you can be free from him..." Gamora said while pointing towards the other part of the battlefield... from the corner of my eyes, I found that Hela had the giant lying in front of her feet.

"...Impossible... why are you doing this? Why are you trying to help me? What are you planning?" the woman named Nebula asked Gamora suspiciously... Gamora simply shook her head.

"Isn\'t it obvious, sister? I love you" Gamora said with tears in her eyes but Nebula snorted in disdain.

"Don\'t you dare lie to me!!! All of this" Nebula snarled while pointing towards her own body "is because of you!!" Nebula said pulled herself up from the ground. Gamora was continuously shedding tears and she also stood up from the ground.

I felt really awkward... I didn\'t want to be a part of their family drama but there was nothing I could do... I also have a sister and I can\'t interrupt this scene... Gamora walked up to Nebula and handed her a gun... Nebula looked at her sister with a confused look in her eyes.

"I am sorry for everything you had to go through... if you want you can kill me... and get your revenge... believe me I won\'t hate you..." Gamora said with a soft smile on her face and backed away from Nebula.

Nebula immediately pointed the gun towards Gamora looking completely incensed... her hands started to shake and she kept looking at the gun intently for a few seconds and from one of her eyes, tears started to roll down...

Nebula threw away the gun and pulled Gamora into her arms... "All of these years... I simply wanted to be recognised by you, sister..." Nebula said and Gamora hugged her back and both of them started to bawl out their eyes.

Seeing such a sweet scene in front of my eyes... I could feel that my own eyes were getting wet... Nat... you can\'t cry... you are a strong woman... a part of me screamed inside my mind but this scene was enough to make a strong woman cry... I retorted inside my mind and tears started to fall from my eyes...

[POV Hela]

"You disappoint me... though I can\'t blame you much... you have entertained me for long enough..." I said in clear disdain while looking down at the idiot Titan in front of my feet... his whole body was littered with cuts... most of his armour was gone and he was also missing an arm.

I had overestimated him... as soon as I started to attack him without holding back... he started to lose ground... soon cuts started to appear on his armour. After some time he armour was mostly gone and cuts started to appear on his body... he was currently panting in front of my feet while crawling away from me.

I kicked him on the side... he flew back a few meters and rolled around to face the sky... I quickly approached him so that I can look down on him... this feeling of superiority never gets old... though I can\'t deny that it wasn\'t fun while it lasted.

"Is this how I am going to die?" Thanos asked with a melancholic look on his face...

It\'s always sad when they stop fighting back... I want them to squirm and keep trying until I drain their lives from their bodies... I want to see their despair right before I end their lives... but when they stop fighting and struggling, everything becomes bland when I kill them then I only see acceptance in their eyes instead of despair.

"Yes..." suddenly I heard a male voice from beside me... I already knew who it was so I didn\'t move but I was curious.

"Do you mind if I kill him?" Reo asked me and I simply nodded my head in agreement... I wouldn\'t enjoy killing him... he had already given up... I decided to continue slaughtering his army so I jumped towards the biggest ship... thankfully Rumi has gone towards the other ship...

[POV Reo]

I looked down towards the battlefield from the sky... Rumi cleared up the storm clouds... I should thank her at a later date... I kept watching how the fights proceeded... Rumi quickly breezed through her enemies and I can\'t believe that Ronan tried to swear loyalty to Rumi.

I also saw the sister\'s reunion and Nat crying along with them... well, what can I say? Family dramas are just like that. Hela was about to kill Thanos and that is when I decided to make my move... I appeared in front of Hela and asked her if I could kill him and she simply nodded her head and went towards the biggest ship.

I looked down towards Thanos and kneeled beside him... "Hello... you must be wondering about my identity but you will never know..." I said with a smile and pointed my finger towards him... "Crucio" only after a few moments... Thanos started to scream out his lungs due to pain.

After a minute I stopped... to be honest... I simply wanted to check if the Cruciatus Curse would work on a being like Thanos or not... and it does work... "Goodbye..." I said and a purple aura surrounded his body and he was disintegrated into nothingness.

I know that his death was quite bland but he had lost all hope of surviving and I didn\'t have any personal agenda against him so I killed him without wasting anymore time...

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