
Chapter 200 - Reunion...

(A/N: Finally 200 Chapters)

[POV Fleur] ​​

As soon as I finished speaking several meta-humans already agreed to go with me, all of them stepped forward and started asking me several questions. I answered them as best as I could.

"Are you saying that we will be going to a hidden island?" a woman with white hair asked me.

"Yes" I simply answered.

After that, they finally agreed to leave, the fool on wheels tried to stop them from leaving once again but it didn\'t work out like he wanted. The scowling guy with the odd-glasses decided to join us too. I was quite sure that the guy had some ulterior motive but I allowed him to come… Reo will be able to take care of him if needed.

"So, how are we going? We can\'t just walk out of the place… soldiers are stationed just outside the mansion" the redhead said. Odd, I have talked with them for so long but I still don\'t know any of their names… Well, I don\'t need to know all of their names.

"We don\'t need to leave this mansion…" I took out a metal orb from my jacket and held it up. "Place your hands on the orb, on me, or someone who is holding the orb" Fleur said, everyone, looked confused but still followed the command. I activated the portkey and immediately the whole group was whisked away from the mansion.

I landed on my feet but others weren\'t so lucky… all of them ended up on the floor.

"Ugh… I don\'t want to do that again" some random guy groaned on the floor.

"I agree, please, let\'s not do that again" the redhead said while getting up on her feet.

"If you are not leaving the island then you won\'t need to do that" I said and helped the white-haired woman to get up on her feet.

"Where is Leviathan?" the scowling guy with the odd glasses asked.

"He is busy, I will take your group\'s leaders to meet with him. I don\'t know if you have any leaders? So, any volunteers?" I asked, I didn\'t want to take that scowling guy. I needed that redhead to come forward. From what I have seen, all these meta-humans listened to her. So, she might have been a secondary leader.

"I will meet him" just like I had thought, the redhead came forward.

"Jean, let me come with you. This way I will be able to protect you" the scowling guy decided to butt in, I wanted to punch that guy so badly!

"There is no way in hell I would do that… it would be much better if I take Ororo with me, you won\'t mind if she came with me, right?" Jean asked, I learned that was her name from the guy, my eyes turned towards the white-haired woman, apparently called Ororo. Now, I can\'t deny the request… so I just nodded my head.

"Wait first let me inform the others about your arrival, so that they can show your group the temporary residential area" I said and texted Reo from my phone. Reo said that he had already noticed our arrival and he had already sent someone to help us.

"Please don\'t attack anyone or try to cause trouble or you will be thrown out of the island" I said, the scowling guy didn\'t seem to like it but tough luck. When you are in Rome do like what Romans do…

After a minute two guys finally arrived, I didn\'t know what their name was but they were from Magneto\'s group. They took the rest towards the temporary residential area while I decided to take Ororo and Jean to meet with Reo.

"Jean, is that your name?" I asked the redhead who for whatever reason was embarrassed.

"Ah… I didn\'t mean to be rude, you introduced herself but I didn\'t even bother. I am Jean Grey, feel free to call me Jean" Jean introduced herself, at least she has manners.

"My name is Ororo Munroe, call me Ororo please" the white-haired woman followed suit and introduced herself.

"It\'s fine, we had more important matters to discuss before" I said off-handedly. We finally arrived in front of Reo\'s office and I didn\'t bother to knock and entered the room.

"Muhahahaha" as soon as I opened the door, all three of us heard two people laughing evilly inside the room. Ororo and Jean were immediately on guard but still followed me. As soon as they saw the man they completely froze. Oh… they must have recognized him.

"Reo!!" both Jean and Ororo screamed at once. Nemuri and Reo stopped laughing, but I am quite sure that Reo was just acting. There was no way in hell that Reo hasn\'t noticed us coming towards his room. That means he wanted to do that…

"It is nice to meet you both once again, I told you that we will meet again" Reo spoke and walked towards Jean and Ororo. Nemuri looked at both of them curiously.

"No! You are not him, you look older" Ororo pointed out, and without saying anything Reo casted a glamour on himself and he immediately looked younger, almost 18.

"Yeah, I can do that" Reo said and turned back to his normal self. Both Jean and Ororo were completely gobsmacked when they saw that.

"But your power was lightening!" Ororo exclaimed frantically.

"One of many" Reo said cryptically, I just stood at the side and watched their byplay from the sidelines.

"Hello, my name is Nemuri Kayama" Nemuri also decided to introduce herself. Jean and Ororo were shocked to see her fox ears and foxtails, her tails were swishing behind her. I loved to play with her tails.

"Are you a fox meta-human?" Jean asked Nemuri, Nemuri just laughed out loud.

"Nope, I am a 9 tailed fox" Nemuri said.

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about Jean" I decided to speak now.

"About what?" Jean asked with a confused look on her face.

"Wait! So, Reo, you were Leviathan?" Ororo asked finally connecting all the dots. Once again, I was interrupted.

"Yes, I decided to do something about mutants, I actually joined X-Men so that I can get you to defect towards my group" Reo said, both Jean and Ororo looked slightly taken aback.

"You don\'t understand what has been going out there… Charles manipulated all of you so that you won\'t harm humans. What Senator Kelly was doing was bound to happen sometime… after all, humans always fear the unknown and we are unknown to humans so they obviously fear us" Reo spoke to Jean and Ororo.

"And what you fear, you try to conquer or destroy. That is exactly what happened, Senator Kelly was murdered by a human who used brainwashed mutants. He used that incident to fuel his plot…" Reo continued to speak and by the time Reo finished both Jean and Ororo were shaking in anger.

"So, we were treated like animals because of humans? Many of us lost their everything because of humans?" Jean enraged, I could feel the Phoenix inside her was also enraged.

"Jean, you need to calm down. We can talk about all these later, we have something more important to deal with now" I said finally speaking up again.

"Remember, I said you were a Phoenix and later I diverted the topic?" I asked Jean who just nodded her head with a confused expression.

"Well, I lied. You have some kind of Phoenix locked inside of you" I said, Jean was completely bewildered.

"That\'s a funny joke, if something was locked inside me then I would have noticed it, don\'t you think so?" Jean asked making it seemed like I was joking.

"No, Jean, she is right. I have noticed it too" Reo said with a serious look on his face.

Jean became silent and no one said anything, Ororo was looking worriedly at her friend. Just like that minutes passed but no one spoke anything.

"Then why didn\'t you say anything before?" Jean asked in a dangerous tone. Her Phoenix was also angry, I again used my Phoenix powers and soothed her.

"Because if I had unlocked you, then that fool on wheels would have locked you once again. He was the one who locked your powers by putting several mental blocks on you and no matter when Charles kept an eye on you… I couldn\'t have done that. Breaking those mental blocks was going to take time… and I didn\'t know how the Phoenix would have reacted after finally being unlocked for several years" Reo said and Jean went deep into her thoughts.

She contemplated for a few minutes while Ororo spoke up "You said Charles locked her powers, why?" I will also ask the same question.

"It\'s simple… he feared her power. As I have said everyone fears the unknown and Charles feared the unknown power inside her, which was obviously stronger than him so he locked her powers" Reo answered the question. Ororo also nodded her head in understanding.

"Unlock me, unlock my powers" Jean finally spoke up after several minutes.

"Then, come with me" Reo said and left the room…

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