
Chapter 693 - 14.89

"Bye-bye, Uncle! Bye-Bye, Big brother!" Artemis waved her hand while she was being carried by Gaius. 

Gaius and Artemis walked around the crowded food festival area. Various food stalls sold many unique dishes, drinks, and snacks. Some stalls even sold toys and other knick-knacks.

Gaius wasn\'t that hungry, but he knew that his little princess was a glutton, especially bright stuff.

Artemis looked around in awe as she found so much delicious stuff to try! 

"Mommy, can I try many things today?"

"Sure thing, princess. But only for today, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy!"

Artemis started asking her Mommy to buy one thing after another. She looked around excitedly as she started stuffing her mouth with one food after another. She didn\'t care about the limit. Just like little kids, she bought something, tried it, and then ate only half before giving it to Gaius and throwing it into the trash can. 

She did it over and over until she had tasted at least 3/4 of the food in this food festival inside her baby belly. 

Artemis burped and rested her head on her Mommy\'s shoulder, "Mommy, Arte is full… and sleepy…."

Gaius sighed. He knew it wasn\'t good to let Artemis stuffed herself. But this might be the last time she could do this for a while until Reed decided to lock them again in that mansion. 

So it was better to make herself happy today. 

"Do you want to return to the car? You can sleep inside with an air conditioner," Gaius asked, knowing the sun was hot today. 

"Yes, Mommy…"

Gaius sighed and returned to the car with so many bodyguards following them from behind. He opened the car door and told the chauffeur, "My daughter is sleepy after eating so much. Turn on the Air conditioner and let her sleep."

"Understand, Sir."

Gaius also instructed the bodyguards, "No need to follow me, since I will go and see my son and your boss. Just stay here and surround this car, make sure my daughter is safe."

"Understood, Sir!"

Gaius walked away, but he didn\'t go to the school festival sports competition immediately. He planned to buy some food for himself while watching Hermes and Reed compete as a father-son duo. 

As he walked into this crowded food festival, he sensed that someone was following him from behind. 

[Pupa, someone is following me?]

[Pupa: It\'s Clarke. He has been eyeing you and Artemis for a while, but he finally moves after you put Artemis inside the car.]

[So that means he wants to have something to talk with me personally. I see…]

Clarke saw his beloved wife from behind. His body was tingling all over out of joy, but there was a harrowing sadness inside his heart as well. Because he knew that Gaius had forgotten about him or, at least, had moved on.

Yet, Clarke refused to move on. He refused to leave all his memories about his beloved. 

So after Gaius put Artemis inside the car, he followed Gaius from behind. 

Gaius knew what Clarke wanted, so he turned to the quieter place and continued walking until nobody was around, which was the hill behind the school. 

As Gaius continued walking, Clarke couldn\'t hold it anymore and dashed straight, hugging him from behind. 

"Ah?!" Gaius was surprised, he struggled lightly, but Clarke hugged him so tight that he couldn\'t escape. 

"Wife… I miss you… a lot…" Clarke whispered in Gaius\' ear as he inhaled the scent of his beloved. He missed everything about Gaius, especially his scent and warmth.


"Yes, it\'s me, Wife…."

Gaius stopped struggling after that. He stood in silence, allowing Clarke to hug him deeper.

"Why are you here, Clarke?"

"I want to see my son competing, and I also want to see my daughter and you, Wife. I really want to see you…." Clarke said, full of sorrow. "I know it\'s too late for me, but I truly want to make up for whatever I did, Wife. I\'m so worried about you and the kids…."

"You don\'t need to worry about the kids. They are fine with Reed," Gaius replied. "And for me, you don\'t need to worry about me. I\'m in good condition, Clarke."

"I know…" Clarke admitted bitterly. "Reed must\'ve taken care of you guys well because you have no intention of calling me or accepting my call."

"Clarke… we\'re over…." Gaius said in a low voice. It was soft, but those words stabbed Clarke\'s heart like no other. He gritted his teeth, but he didn\'t want to hurt his wife, not anymore. 

"I know…" Clarke affirmed. "I don\'t want this to be over. You\'re my life, Gaius. But if you say so, then… I cannot force you…."

Gaius was surprised that Clarke could be that easy of letting go. Just after, he said on the call with Reed three days ago that he would find a way to take him and the kids back from Reed\'s grasp.

"I… I am not a good father, and I\'m not a good husband for you and the kids…." Clarke admitted. "And I will not ask for the second chance… because I hurt you too much, Wife. You deserve better…."

[Whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this?]

[Clarke just admitted without any struggle? What the heck?!]

[Pupa: That took me off guard as well.]

"You… you\'re not going to bring the kids or me? Have you moved on? Or did you get another fling so quickly?" Gaius asked. Maybe it was also his ego that was hurt because Clarke could also ditch him that easily.

"No, Wife… I will never marry nor be close to anyone after you left me. Because my heart is reserved only for you."

"Then how could you say that you will not ask for a second chance? Do you think I will not give you one?!"

"I… I know that you will give me one, at least I wish you would….." Clarke tightened his hug as he continued. "But I know you don\'t deserve me because for you… I\'m just an ugly monster, right?"

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