
Chapter 194 New Identity

A mere month after Sara\'s arrival in the city of New York, she was almost unrecognizable. Her once luscious locks of strawberry-blonde hair had been transformed into a rich, chestnut brown hue, framing her heart-shaped face in a way that made her features pop. The striking ruby color of her eyes had now taken on a sapphire tint, making them appear even more alluring and enigmatic. It was as if she had shed her old skin and emerged as a new, more confident version of herself.

This is crucial for her transition to the state and to stay true to the identity given to her by Poul Nielsen. She looked at the mirror one last time before she stepped out of her hotel.

She walked down the street, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. People rushed past her, going about their business, and Sara felt a sense of anonymity that she had never experienced before.

In her previous life as Penelope Ascart, the daughter of the Prime Minister of the British Empire, Sara was used to being in the public eye. Her striking features and regal bearing drew attention wherever she went, but now as Sara, she was just another face in the crowd. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, both exhilarating and isolating.

As she walked towards the small café in the corner, Sara couldn\'t help but think about the life that lay ahead of her. She had left everything she knew behind, including her family and her country, to start a new life in America. She was to become a doctor in the prestigious Axelsen & Nielsen Company\'s clinic, where she could put her medical expertise to good use. It was a new beginning, but it also meant leaving everything she had ever known behind.

Sara stepped into the cozy café and made her way to a small table near the window. She ordered a coffee and sat down, lost in thought. She was so deep in contemplation that she didn\'t even notice the man who had walked in and was now making his way toward her table.

He was tall and well-built, with blonde hair and a chiseled jawline. His deep blue eyes were framed by thick lashes, and a small scar on his left cheek only added to his rugged good looks. He wore a tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders.

Sara recognized the man instantly. It was Poul\'s partner and bestfriend. Jonathan.

"Sara, did you just arrive? Sorry for being late for…" Jonathan looked at this wristwatch to check the time. "One minute."

Sara smiled warmly at Jonathan, feeling grateful for his presence. "No worries at all, Jonathan. I just got here myself," she replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

Jonathan took a seat across from Sara and leaned back in his chair. "So, how are you adjusting to life in New York?" he asked, a genuine concern in his voice.

Sara thought for a moment before responding. "It\'s been a whirlwind, to say the least. Everything is so different from what I\'m used to, but I\'m trying my best to adapt."

Jonathan nodded understandingly. "I can imagine it\'s not easy, but you\'re doing a great job. Poul and I are both really proud of you."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Sara\'s mouth. She felt a sense of validation at Jonathan\'s words, knowing that she had worked hard to get to where she was now.

"So, are you ready for our job interview?" Jonathan grinned. "You see, this is just a formality, so no need to be nervous."

Sara chuckled. "Why would I be nervous about having an interview with an old friend?"

Jonathan laughed, his blue eyes sparkling. "That\'s the spirit, Sara. But still, it\'s better to conduct this interview to avoid suspicion…"

"So, what do you want to know about me, Mr. Axelsen?" Sara asked a playful glint in her sapphire eyes.

Jonathan leaned forward, his expression serious. "Well, first of all, was it true that you have done miracles while serving in the Royal Hospital of London, and that you stopped a potential cholera outbreak by narrowing down the source of the infection to a contaminated water supply?"

Sara\'s eyes lit up at the mention of her work. "Yes, that\'s true. I was part of a team that identified the source of the outbreak and worked to contain it. It was a challenging but rewarding experience."

Jonathan nodded, impressed. "Well, no need to drag this down. You are hired, Ms. Sara Olsen, or should I say, Sara Nielsen," he teased.

Sara hit him lightly in the arm and laughed.  "Geez stop that."

Jonathan smiled warmly at her. "We\'re honored to have you, Sara. You\'re going to be a great addition to our clinic."

"I am glad that I would be able to use my expertise to contribute to your company. Speaking of which, I heard that you are building a metro station in New York, which I believe is under construction. Impressive, to think that the two of you would be able to drastically change this era. From steam engines to electricity."

Jonathan leaned back in his chair, a look of pride evident on his face. "Yes, that\'s right. And we are not going to stop there. We have jumped to the oil industry and later the steel industry, two of which are the most lucrative industries of the era."

"How envious, as a doctor, there\'s barely anything I could do aside from giving care to patients. I may be a doctor from the modern age but without modern tools and medicines, it feels like I\'m back in the dark ages," Sara mused, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I\'d suggest that you soften your voice when mentioning the modern age, Sara. You don\'t want someone hearing that."

Both of them laughed, feeling a sense of camaraderie between them. But as their laughter died down, Sara\'s expression turned serious. "Jonathan, when can I move to Pittsburgh?"

"Give it a month, Sara," Jonathan said. "As you are aware, the news of your passing in London is still hot. We want you to lay low for a while, as there is a chance that the Crown Prince might suspect us of being connected to your fake murder."

"I understand," Sara said.

"Well, if you need something, you can visit me at Fifth Avenue Hotel, where my future wife and I are staying."

"Caroline Dupont…was it? You really are lucky to have a beautiful girl on your side."

"That\'s subjective, Sara," Jonathan corrected. "For Poul, you are the most beautiful, and consider himself lucky for having you. Though I feel bad for this one girl who was infatuated with him."

"Infatuated? At Poul? Who is it?" Sara\'s tone suddenly changed, intrigued by the mention of someone having feelings for Poul.

Jonathan chuckled. "You\'ll see her soon."

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